Being a great fundraiser requires RESILIENCE. There’s a lot of rejection in fundraising and hearing "no" over and over can take a toll. Fundraising is part art, part science. There isn’t only one right way to ask for money. Trial and error is par for the course. That’s because fundraising involves humans. And humans have emotions. In … [Read more...]
10 Ways Nonprofit Women can Support their Fellow Women at Work
Recently I asked for your suggestions on women-specific topics to write about. The feedback was overwhelming -- in a good way. I truly appreciate all the suggestions and I always love hearing from my followers. Several of you suggested that I write about the importance of women supporting other women in the workplace. Unfortunately, it … [Read more...]
5 Fundraising Lessons Learned from the Women’s World Cup Winners
Every girl needs a role model. This week they got one. A team-full, actually. Megan Rapinoe and her 2019 World Cup winning teammates are heroes to girls everywhere, and fundraisers too. If you want to feel amazing, check out Megan’s power pose here -- it’s inspirational! 5 Fundraising Lessons Courtesy of the 2019 World Cup … [Read more...]
Know Your Worth and Never Settle for Less than You Deserve
Last week in recognition of International Women’s Day, I received a flood of emails discussing gender equality. It gave me hope and encouragement to see so many efforts being made to promote equality. And it made me sad that in 2019 there are still so many issues of inequality, especially in the nonprofit sector. My favorite email arrived … [Read more...]
3 Practical Ways to Bring Equality and Justice to the Nonprofit Workplace
The nonprofit sector exists to make the world a better place -- to right wrongs and correct injustices. Hundreds of thousands of nonprofit organizations exist to: combat domestic violence help the impoverished protect the marginalized fight against racism stand up for human rights and so much more And yet, the nonprofit sector … [Read more...]
6 Things You Can Do to Close the Gender Gap in the Nonprofit Sector
It’s hard to believe that in 2019 we are still talking about closing the gender gap, but we are, and we must continue to talk about it until it’s closed for good. Just last week, AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) announced a new Women’s Mentoring program. The article begins with the sad statistic that women make up … [Read more...]
Calling Women Fundraisers: Where You Sit Matters
Did you know that women are less likely to sit at the head of the table than their male peers/counterparts? Many women still sit in the back of the room or off to the side, even when they hold positions of power. Just the other day, I sat in a room with a female Executive Director who sat in the middle of the table, leaving the power seat … [Read more...]
Women in Fundraising: 3 Keys to be More Successful
The vast majority of professional fundraisers are women (70-80% by most counts), and yet a majority of these women would not consider themselves “power askers.” On the contrary, many would describe their asking skills as weak, timid or even passive. In the age of #MeToo, it’s time for women fundraisers to stand up and take charge. We need … [Read more...]