When I was in graduate school (more than 20 years ago) I wanted to be the CEO of a big, international nonprofit. I took my first fundraising job because I knew that fundraising was one of the keys to successful nonprofits. In other words, if I was going to be an impactful CEO, I would need to know how to raise money. The same is true for … [Read more...]
4 Strategies to Better Manage Your Nonprofit Board in 2024
If you're a nonprofit leader, managing your board is likely a challenge. Although most nonprofit boards technically manage the ED/CEO, there’s a lot of opportunity and rationale for managing up. If you don’t work to manage your board, your board members may become unruly and make your organization more difficult to lead. It’s important to … [Read more...]
8 Ways Men Can Support Women in the Nonprofit Sector
Last week, I wrote about women supporting women in nonprofit leadership. If you haven't read that yet, give it a quick look. This week, I wanted to shift the focus to men. (Truthfully, both articles apply to all genders, but I’ve tried to highlight some places where specific support in one area or the other would be especially … [Read more...]
Calling All Women: Supporting Other Women in Leadership Matters
It’s no secret that strong women leaders are often looked upon negatively and as aggressive. It’s a no-win situation. So, when you see this happening, stand up. Make every attempt to encourage other women, even when you may not agree with them 100%. Let them know you’ve got their back. Why Supporting Women in Leadership Matters I sit on … [Read more...]
9 Soft Skills Every Fundraiser Needs and How to Improve Them
Like most professional careers, fundraising requires a set of hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are the fundraising techniques and best practices learned through schooling, trainings, webinars, and at conferences, as well as on-the-job experience. Soft skills, on the other hand, are often harder to learn if they don’t come … [Read more...]
10 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset this Summer
Summer is the perfect time to rejuvenate and refocus. As a fundraiser, and especially as a woman in the nonprofit sector, it’s essential to take proactive steps to enhance your mindset. 10 Summertime Tips to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset Over the course of this summer, I invite you to take advantage these ten tips. These suggestions … [Read more...]
Empowering Women Fundraisers: 9 Tips to Excel in Nonprofit Leadership
Fundraising is an amazing profession for women and men, alike. However, fundraising is not immune to the challenges that women workers face across all sectors. While women tend to dominate the field of fundraising in numbers, we still lag behind men when it comes to high-paying leadership positions in fundraising and in the nonprofit … [Read more...]
Fundraising is Not Always Fun: 7 Strategies to Help You Cope
You don’t need me to tell you that fundraising isn’t always fun. Sadly, many fundraisers are miserable at work. I hope you’re not one of the miserable ones, but I imagine your days aren’t constantly filled with joy either. I know fundraising can be a drag, which is why I’ve written several posts over the years about putting the fun back in … [Read more...]
6 Questions to Ask Nonprofits Before Starting a New Fundraising Job
If you're an experienced fundraiser with a solid resume, you are in high demand. Every nonprofit needs good fundraisers. But you'll want to do your homework before you consider leaving your current fundraising job for another. 6 Questions to Ask When Interviewing for a New Fundraising Job The next big opportunity in your fundraising … [Read more...]
Therapy for Fundraisers – Yes, It’s a Thing
Fundraising is a tough job! You’re under enormous pressure to raise even more money every year. Every twelve months, you start from zero and do it all over again. If you work in a small shop, fundraising is isolating. You’re the only person at your organization who does what you do. If you’re working from home, you’re even more … [Read more...]