It feels like yesterday that I was the youngest professional in the room. But the reality is that that’s not been the case for many, many years. In fact, today I’m probably closer to the end of my career than the start of it. As I look back, there are a number of "life lessons" I picked up through personal experience that I wish someone had … [Read more...]
6 Questions to Ask Nonprofits Before Starting a New Fundraising Job
If you're an experienced fundraiser with a solid resume, you are in high demand. Every nonprofit needs good fundraisers. But you'll want to do your homework before you consider leaving your current fundraising job for another. 6 Questions to Ask When Interviewing for a New Fundraising Job The next big opportunity in your fundraising … [Read more...]
6 Winning Strategies to Raise Money in a Down Economy
It *IS* possible to raise more money for your organization, even in an uncertain economy. I help organizations do it every day! Over the last two years, I’ve watched fundraising professionals react to COVID-19 and express their concern about the economic fallout. And now, with runaway inflation and everyone tightening their belts, we have … [Read more...]
How to Fundraise as a Team (and Build a Better Fundraising Team)
Fundraising is a team sport. It should NEVER be the responsibility of a single person. When it is, you get mediocre fundraising results (at best). With that in mind, take the time necessary to build and improve your fundraising team. If you do, it won't be long before you're functioning as a well-oiled machine. How to Fundraise as an … [Read more...]
Therapy for Fundraisers – Yes, It’s a Thing
Fundraising is a tough job! You’re under enormous pressure to raise even more money every year. Every twelve months, you start from zero and do it all over again. If you work in a small shop, fundraising is isolating. You’re the only person at your organization who does what you do. If you’re working from home, you’re even more … [Read more...]
To Nonprofit Leaders and Donors: Focus on Impact, Not Fees
As fundraisers, we wish donors would focus on the IMPACT of our work -- not the operating costs. And yet, sometimes, as nonprofit leaders, we’re focused on the wrong things too. Focus on Impact, Not Fees: A Personal Example Recently, I was contacted about consulting by a development director named Sam. Sam had already interviewed several … [Read more...]
Development Directors Who Stay Longer Raise More Money
A good development director is worth their weight in gold. Fundraising, especially major gift fundraising, is based on relationships. It takes time to build trust and confidence. The longer a development director stays at an organization, the more likely it is they really get to know the donors and volunteers and that the donors know them! … [Read more...]
Should Fundraisers Work Christmas Week? What Do You Think?
Historically, nonprofit organizations have raised the majority (more than half) of their fundraising income in the last six weeks of the year, with a large portion of that income arriving during the last week of the year. Not only that, but it’s not unheard of for donors to show up at a nonprofit organization, stock certificate in hand, on … [Read more...]
Diversity Matters in Nonprofit Hiring: Interview with Kishshana Palmer
You know you should hire a diverse group of people, but you may not be sure how or why. In this interview with Kishshana Palmer, CEO of Kishshana and Co., you'll learn how nonprofit policies and procedures impact your workplace. The full interview transcript (with minor edits for clarity) appears below. Diversity, Race and Hiring … [Read more...]
What’s Your Nonprofit Leadership Style? Interview with Marc Pitman
I had the opportunity to interview Marc Pitman, CEO of Concord Leadership Group to discuss nonprofit leadership styles and what they could mean to you and your organization. What type of nonprofit leader are you? Watch this interview to learn the four different types of leadership, and how they impact fundraising and the future of … [Read more...]