Over the last few weeks, we have been abuzz over the life and death of Steve Jobs. Carmine Gallo wrote a post on the Steve Jobs Seven Rules of Success, which I think apply beautifully to nonprofit professionals and fundraisers, and I can’t help but share them with you — with my own spin.
1. Do What You Love
Clearly, Jobs loved what he did, and I hope you do too. During the hustle and bustle of any given, stressful day at a nonprofit, it can be hard to recall why and how you got here in the first place, but go back to your mission. If you don’t love what you do, you’re at the wrong organization or in the wrong field.
2. Put a Dent in the Universe
In other words, make a difference in the world. That’s why we went into work in the nonprofit sector, so don’t forget to see the forest through the trees. Don’t get lost in the weeds. Think big picture!
3. Make Connections
Unfortunately, many nonprofits like to work in a bubble, thinking that they are the only one tackling any given issue. Reach out to others in your field and work together. Stop being so competitive and start to collaborate.
4. Say No to 1,000 Things
In the busy world we live in, we are overcommitted and overstressed. Focus on the really important things (in the case of Apple, the IPAD), and you could become a superstar.
5. Create Insanely Different Experiences
This could apply to your clients, your board members, and your donors. What makes your organization different from all the others?
6. Master the Message
Jobs was a master at delivering a message. What story do you tell about your work and your organization? Do you practice telling your story? Work on it until your donors are moved to action!
7. Sell Dreams, Not Products
If Jobs simply sold products he would not have been nearly as successful as he was. Are you talking about benefits or features of your organization? Are you talking about feeding one child or a world without hunger?
Steve Jobs leaves a legacy bigger than many of us can dream of. What will be your legacy? Dream BIG. Share your life lessons in the comments.
Awesome job & great theme