How often do you take a step back from your organization and look at the bigger picture? If you do, I'm guessing you'll discover there are lessons nonprofit organizations can learn from for-profit businesses. I’d like you to try a little thought exercise... Stop fundraising -- just for an hour or two. Take a little time to think about … [Read more...]
Adopting Better Fundraising Habits: The Happy Healthy Nonprofit
It’s ironic. Most people enter this field to help others. It FEELS GOOD doing good, right? Unfortunately, most development directors I know feel STRESSED, not happy, most of the time. That begs the question, "Why does doing good often feel so bad?" I found the answer in a new book by Beth Kanter and Aliza Sherman called The Happy … [Read more...]
Lemons to Lemonade: How Your Nonprofit can Overcome Charity Scams
Last week, the Federal Trade Commission revealed the results into their investigation of three bogus cancer “charities,” apparently run by a single family, that were stealing donors' money. As professional fundraisers, we all know that the actions of thieves like this family, coupled with the media attention any scandal attracts, makes it … [Read more...]
Lessons Learned from ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Silly Stunt or Brilliant Fundraising?
It’s not often that I digress from writing about major gifts, but I had to make an exception for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you might be living under a rock -- or on an extremely extended vacation.) In fact, I can’t ever recall a fundraising campaign going viral in this manner, or of this … [Read more...]
Nonprofit Financial Management Made Simple
If you are like so many passionate, nonprofit folks, finances and accounting are not your forte. Unfortunately for you and your nonprofit, this can be a serious problem. Like you, I would rather be at the dentist than reviewing financial statements. However, reading and understanding financial statements is one of the many important … [Read more...]
How to Organize Your Development Shop to be Donor-Focused
How organized is your development shop? More importantly, are you donor-focused? How Does Your Organization Compare? Last week I facilitated a process improvement meeting for development department directors at a local hospital foundation. Each department at the hospital foundation (annual fund, major gifts, stewardship, planned giving) … [Read more...]
Is Your Organization Changing the World?
If you follow me on Twitter @AmyEisenstein, you already know that I was at the most amazing AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) conference this week in Chicago. One of the sessions I attended was called “From Bonsai to Redwood – Cutting Edge Thinking from the Frontiers of Philanthropy.” The speaker was Jon Duschinsky. I wish you … [Read more...]
Japan Reminds Us: Nonprofits Need Cash, So Just Ask
Yesterday I heard a report on the radio that made me frustrated and angry. The reporter had recently completed an in-depth survey of all the emergency response agencies to the crisis in Japan. What was their conclusion? If you really want to help, send cash! Is this rocket science? Did we really in need a study to tell us this? Maybe we … [Read more...]