It all started when I recently read the famous quote:
Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
The quote is attributed to several people. I’m not sure why it struck a chord with me, but I immediately thought — that applies to fundraisers.
It reminded me of a fundraiser named Nancy. I was speaking to her recently. Nancy told me she hadn’t been successful at raising major gifts. I asked her why she thought that was, and she said that every day she has time blocked on her calendar to call three donors.
But she doesn’t call them.
So… drinking poison and expecting the other person to die — it’s like neglecting to reach out to donors and expecting them to give.
Why doesn’t Nancy pick up the phone and make the calls? There are many reasons, including lack of time and resources. But the big one is fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of saying something stupid. Fear of not knowing what to say at all.
10 Inspirational Fundraising Clichés and Idioms
Idioms and clichés can apply to many aspects of our lives. I suppose that’s why they stand the test of time, repeatedly spoken and kept in our vernacular. And many of these sayings apply to what you do each and every day.
So without further ado, here’s a series of 10 clichés to help inspire your best fundraising efforts.
1. Slow and steady wins the race
Fundraising isn’t fast — especially when it comes to major gift fundraising. It’s about consistency… slow and steady.
You need consistency when calling donors, visiting with them, and following up even when you don’t feel like it. Especially when you don’t feel like it.
If you haven’t already tried it, Mastering Major Gifts provides a great way to begin applying consistency in doable doses to your major gifts raising efforts. Give it a shot — join now and your first month is free!
2. When it rains, it pours
When it seems like everyone you ask to join a committee says no, and then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, you get a flood of donations.
We’ve all been there before.
3. Laughter is the best medicine
For when your job and your life seem overwhelming.
Working at a nonprofit isn’t always a “barrel of laughs” (there’s another one), but there’s generally a “light at the end of the tunnel” (sorry — I couldn’t help it).
Sometimes you just need a little help in fundraising… and in life.
4. Light at the end of the tunnel
See number 3, above.
For this one, the day after a grant deadline or your fundraising gala comes to mind.
5. Scared to death
The fear can be palpable when you ask a donor for a gift — especially a major gift. Rarely does anyone who says this actually die (thank goodness).
6. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
Working at a nonprofit can be challenging. Old computers, broken chairs, lack of funding for programs and services. Nonprofit employees are champions of making lemonade out of lemons. We do it every day.
7. The writing’s on the wall
If you’re not allowed to attend board meetings, have input on your goals, or reach out to the organization’s largest donors, you’re in trouble.
Need I say more?
8. Time heals all wounds
For when you’ve offended a donor.
Relax… it’s going to be okay. Time truly does alleviate the damage.
9. What goes around comes around
A colleague or donor behaves badly or says something hurtful. And vice versa. When you give a compliment, kudos, etc.
What should you do? Take the high road and hold your head high — it’s all about karma.
10. Cat got your tongue
How your board members feel when asking for a major gift. 😉
Which Cliché Strikes a Chord with You?
Which cliché from these 10 speaks the most to you? And can you think of any others that apply to fundraising that I left off this list?
Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks to this article on for helping to supply many of the clichés featured here.
My favorite quote about life – and fundraising – is, “Even if you’re on the right track, if you just sit there you’ll get run over.” (from Will Rogers)
That’s a great quote. Am using it already. Thanks Randa.
You are a jewel! That may not be a cliche, but you are. Your thoughtfulness and genuineness are probably two of your best traits in fundraising. I always value your blog, though I’ve fallen behind recently. And I DO know about those blank moments–or hours. Try some ice cream. ; )
Thank you, Amy.
I appreciate your timely reminder.
After reading today’s blog post, I made my three donor calls.
Slow and steady …
Rick O
Great post – as always, Amy.
You have a way of shifting the perspective and opening up a new way of viewing things.
Hope you have a GREAT week!