During the holiday season, it’s only natural that you’re thinking about gratitude.
And, there’s good news — thanking your donors is one of the easiest ways to raise more money. That’s because how (and if) you thank your donors plays a large role in whether or not they give to your organization year after year.
Whether you send a handwritten note, pick up the phone, or send a video just like the one attached, it’s important that you not only thank your donors, but that they feel thanked.
Research Supports Thanking Donors
Check out the latest research on gratitude by Dr. Adrian Sargeant and the folks at the Philanthropy Centre:
Learning to Say Thank You: The Role of Donor Acknowledgements »
It’s a dense report, but you can get the most important takeaways if you skip to the conclusions section. Here are four of my favorites:
- After supporters take action with your organization, send a prompt, interactive email (survey). See the report for an example.
- For new donors (first and second time donors), send a thank you that lets them know what type of difference they’ve made.
- For loyal donors (those who have given more times than your average donor has given), thank them for their long term relationship with your organization.
- Remember to focus on benefits (why), not features (what).
Giving Thanks in Ways that Matters
And here are some posts I’ve done over the years that will help you thank your donors in the ways that matter most.
- 10 Ways to Show Donors Gratitude »
- Turn First Time Donors into Repeat Donors with Board Gratitude »
- Holiday Donor Gifts that Keep On Giving, Without Costing a Thing »
Check them out to give your gratitude an upgrade!
My Heartfelt Thanks to YOU!
Finally, I’d like to say THANK YOU for all that you do for the important causes you work for. I’m honored and humbled to play even a small role in the work you do.
I’d love to hear from you. How do you thank your donors? And, what’s the best thank you that you personally have ever received? Let me know in the comments.
This is an excellent overview of thanking donors. In my experience the donors always appreciated being thanked for their contribution. I particularly like that other articles that you posted to help better the acknowledgement process.