Picture this -- It’s the start of the new school year. My kids were “Zooming to school” (as my mother would say). My 11th grader, Ethan, is in the basement. My 8th grader, Zoe, is in her room. And, I’m at the kitchen table, leading a webinar. It’s 2:15, between periods, so my son comes up to get a snack. Without meaning to, he slams the … [Read more...]
Board Management During COVID-19: 5 Tips to Keep Up Momentum
The following is a guest post from Jeb Banner, the founder and CEO of Boardable, a nonprofit board management software provider. Jeb is also the founder of two nonprofits, The Speak Easy and Musical Family Tree, as well as a board member of United Way of Central Indiana and ProAct. The pandemic has transformed many activities in the … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Optimists Raise More Money, Especially During a Pandemic
It’s easy to be pessimistic these days with so much instability and insecurity in the world... Coronavirus spreading Rampant inequality Economic uncertainty Political instability The list goes on and on. And yet, some people are optimistic. With so much negativity all around, how can they stay so positive? Optimism vs. … [Read more...]
4 Steps to Replace Special Event Fundraising with Virtual Giving
One of the things fundraisers complain most about is fundraising events -- because such events take up so much time and energy. They also put a strain on donors and volunteers. Who really wants to attend another rubber chicken dinner anyway? An Opportunity to Replace Special Event Fundraising These unprecedented times provide your big … [Read more...]
Does Your Nonprofit Make 50 Asks in 50 Weeks?
The first fundraising book I ever wrote (more than 10 years ago, now), is called 50 Asks in 50 Weeks. Published by CharityChannel Press, it’s now available in its 2nd edition. I mention this because I’m revising and expanding my online training program, Mastering Major Gifts. In the process of improving the program and creating new … [Read more...]
8 Fundraising Basics that Covid-19 Can’t Break
During good times and bad, some organizations raise a lot of money -- and other organizations don’t. The organizations raising the most money, generally speaking, rely on best practices, technology, and the latest tools and resources available. Conversely, struggling organizations are stuck with well meaning, but fearful board and staff … [Read more...]
5 Reasons your Nonprofit Should Invest in Virtual Training
The following is a guest post by Matt Hugg, president and founder of Nonprofit.Courses, an on-demand educational resource center for nonprofits. Can virtual learning be your new nonprofit superpower? Smart nonprofits take virtual learning and run with it. The most successful nonprofits are the ones who educate their staff. This … [Read more...]
5 Summer Actions to Bolster Your Fall Fundraising During Coronavirus
Normally, summer is a time for fun, relaxation, BBQ’s, family, friends and more. This summer (2020) is going to be different for everyone with the Coronavirus lurking about. Travel is limited, kids are home from camp, and big gatherings are taboo. 5 Actions to Bolster Fall Fundraising While Coronavirus Looms As far is fundraising is … [Read more...]
Black Lives Matter: Why Nonprofit Leaders MUST Take Action
The United States is being challenged right now in unprecedented ways -- in ways we haven’t faced since the civil war. First, with Coronavirus. Next, with economic turmoil. Finally, with protests and riots stemming from deep inequities in our criminal justice system. I’ve written and spoken about the first two. But this third issue … [Read more...]
How to Prepare Your Nonprofit for an Uncertain Future
The only thing that’s certain right now is that the future is uncertain. Ever since we were thrust into this pandemic, every day comes with new surprises and anxieties. So how can you lead your nonprofit when the future is so hard to predict? You Are Not Alone at Your Nonprofit Although it may feel like it sometimes, you are not alone. … [Read more...]