The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! I generally read two books at a time, sometimes three. Almost always one on fundraising, another on being a better consultant, trainer, or speaker, and sometimes a novel, just for fun. The … [Read more...]
Considering a Campaign? Gail Perry Discusses Planning and Board Members
This week, Gail Perry of Fired up Fundraising and co-founder of Capital Campaign Masters joins me to discuss capital campaigns. In this video interview, we focus on the pre-campaign and tips for making board members feel more at ease. Interview Highlights (Transcript) Watch the full interview above or read the highlights … [Read more...]
Personalize Donor Recognition for Your Campaign: Interview with Karen Singer
My latest interview brought me to Karen Singer of Karen Singer Tileworks. Karen works with her clients to create artwork that becomes a visual mission statement, sparking an emotional connection between the donor and the organization. Donor stewardship is an important part of the fundraising process. In this video interview, we … [Read more...]
Why I Hate Endowment Campaigns and You Should, Too
Do you ever wish your organization had an endowment? Do your board members believe an endowment campaign is the answer to all of your fundraising woes? If you said “Yes,” you’re not alone. It would be fantastic if you had a huge reserve, generating interest for your organization. You could kick back, put your feet up, and watch the money … [Read more...]
Pre-Campaign Prep: BEFORE You Hire a Consultant with Andrea Kihlstedt
Andrea Kihlstedt is THE go to expert on capital campaigns, and is the co-founder of Capital Campaign Masters. Interview Highlights (Transcript) The text below provides the HIGHLIGHTS ONLY as Andrea and I discuss the "pre-campaign." Be sure to watch the full interview to get all the important details. The First Steps When … [Read more...]
Andrea Kihlstedt on Hiring a Capital Campaign Consultant
Recently, I interviewed my mentor, colleague and friend, Andrea Kihlstedt. Andrea is the co-Founder of Capital Campaign Masters and THE go-to-expert on capital campaigns. She's currently in the process of finishing the 4th edition of her book, Capital Campaigns: Strategies That Work. Interview Highlights (Transcript) Here’s a BRIEF … [Read more...]
Gail Perry’s Secrets on Preparing for a Capital Campaign
Recently, I intereviewed my friend and colleague, and capital campaign expert, Gail Perry. Capital campaigns are one of Gail’s many areas of expertise. Join us for this Ask the Fundraising Expert episode in which we discuss how an organization can prepare for a capital campaign. Interview Highlights (Transcript) Here is an … [Read more...]
Maintain (or Even Increase) Your Annual Fund During a Capital Campaign
In my most recent Ask the Fundraising Expert video, you'll learn how to maintain – or even increase – your annual fund during a capital campaign. A common question I get as a fundraising consultant is: “We’re considering a capital campaign, but how do we keep from losing money on our annual campaign while we're pursuing the capital … [Read more...]