Nearly every nonprofit should embark on a capital campaign at least once every ten years. If your organization hasn’t had a campaign in the last decade, it’s time to start planning one today. You know the expression: If you’re not growing, you’re dying. It's a cliché, but it's also true. If you haven’t accomplished your mission, it’s … [Read more...]
3 Efficiency Hacks for Stewarding Donors in Record Time
Stewardship is the critical, final step in the fundraising process. Stewardship is everything that happens after a gift is made -- most notably thanking a donor and letting them know how their gift was used. When done well, stewardship leads to donor retention and increased gift amounts. When donors feel great about the gift they made, they … [Read more...]
4 Steps to Crush Your Fundraising BHAG in 2022
Do you have a BHAG? That is, a Big Hairy Audacious Goal? You may be familiar with this popular term coined by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in their book, Built to Last. Now, it’s a widely used expression and concept to help with long-term planning and visioning. Set BHAGs to Establish Long-Term Goals Companies often set BHAGs for … [Read more...]
6 Definitive Fundraising Trends to Follow in 2022
As we approach the final weeks of 2021, it’s important to reflect on how your fundraising went this past year and what you might do differently in the coming year. You know the definition of insanity -- doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Likewise, the expression, "if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it." Your job … [Read more...]
3 Campaign-Style Ways to Engage Donors BEFORE You Ask for a Major Gift
A common refrain in fundraising is how important it is to engage donors before asking for a gift. And yet, engaging donors is easier said than done. Engaging Major Gift Donors, Campaign-Style Experienced fundraisers know they are supposed to ask donors for advice. In other words, ask them for something other than money. Asking for advice … [Read more...]
7 Capital Campaign Basics to Consider as a Nonprofit Leader
Leading a capital campaign can be overwhelming -- even for the most experienced nonprofit CEO or Development Director. After all, it’s not as if you sit around twiddling your thumbs on a regular basis. How can you possibly find the time for a capital campaign on top of your already-hectic schedule and massive responsibilities? How Do … [Read more...]
Raise Millions, Even in Poor Areas: Tips from Sabrina Hernandez Walker
Sabrina Hernandez Walker raised millions of dollars for her Boys and Girls Club in the 3rd poorest county in the USA. If she can do it, so can you! I invited her to share her journey with you. Raising Millions: Building Relationships is Key Amy Eisenstein (AE) -- Sabrina, please paint a picture of the Boys and Girls Club when you first … [Read more...]
Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign? 11 Telltale Signs
If you're like many nonprofit leaders, you might be wondering when it's a good time to consider a capital campaign. With a pandemic raging, is it even possible that NOW is a good time for a campaign? Should Your Nonprofit Consider a Capital Campaign... Now? The answer is that it's a good time to take on a campaign in the coming months, … [Read more...]
How the Craziest Ideas Can Boost Your Fundraising Efforts
Have you had a far-out, wacky idea? Something way different than you’ve ever tried before? If so, that could be the exact thing you need to try right now. How a Crazy Idea Recently Took Flight Yesterday, Andrea Kihlstedt, my co-founder at the Capital Campaign Toolkit, warned me she was going to write a blog post I might not … [Read more...]
Inspiration and Resources for Fundraisers During the Covid-19 Crisis
It’s the third week my kids have been home from school and we’re finally settling into a routine. I refuse to call it the “new normal” because this is anything but normal! I have worked from home for the last 12 years, but not usually with the kids around. In the last two weeks, I’ve officially relinquished my office to my 10th grader, and … [Read more...]