In my most recent newsletter (join my list at right and you'll get my eBook too), I asked about your biggest challenge with regards to fundraising. Thank you to everyone who responded, and I hope some of the answers below will help with your challenges. I got a wide range of answers, but I think it boils down to the fact that fundraising can … [Read more...]
How to Organize Your Development Shop to be Donor-Focused
How organized is your development shop? More importantly, are you donor-focused? How Does Your Organization Compare? Last week I facilitated a process improvement meeting for development department directors at a local hospital foundation. Each department at the hospital foundation (annual fund, major gifts, stewardship, planned giving) … [Read more...]
Is Your Organization Changing the World?
If you follow me on Twitter @AmyEisenstein, you already know that I was at the most amazing AFP (Association of Fundraising Professionals) conference this week in Chicago. One of the sessions I attended was called “From Bonsai to Redwood – Cutting Edge Thinking from the Frontiers of Philanthropy.” The speaker was Jon Duschinsky. I wish you … [Read more...]
Japan Reminds Us: Nonprofits Need Cash, So Just Ask
Yesterday I heard a report on the radio that made me frustrated and angry. The reporter had recently completed an in-depth survey of all the emergency response agencies to the crisis in Japan. What was their conclusion? If you really want to help, send cash! Is this rocket science? Did we really in need a study to tell us this? Maybe we … [Read more...]
How to Identify Potential Donors for Your Cause
Do you wish you raised more money from individuals? If so, what’s stopping you? I often hear from my clients that they don’t know where to start. If you’re stuck because you don’t know where to start, the first step is to identify potential donors or prospects. Some Simple Ways to Identify Potential Donors There are a handful of … [Read more...]
How to Raise More Money Through Your Annual Fund
Have you ever been confused when people mention their annual fund, campaign or appeal? What exactly are they talking about? Your annual fund or campaign should be a year-long, multi-pronged effort to raise funds for your annual programmatic and operational needs. Annual campaigns often include traditional appeal letters (close to the … [Read more...]
The Smartest Way to Raise More Money in 2011
Another year is almost over. Was your 2010 fundraising as successful as it could’ve been? You probably didn’t raise as much money as you should’ve because you aren’t asking as often as you could’ve. And, it’s not because you didn’t want to. It’s because you may not know exactly how, and because you’re overwhelmed with day-to-day … [Read more...]
Call Foundations First: Win More Grants!
The most important thing I ever learned about writing grants, and winning grants, I learned at a “meet the funders” panel. In response to a question about relationship building, one panelist complained that most applicants never contacted him or his foundation in any way except for the grant application itself. He continued to say that even … [Read more...]
Raise More Money Selling Sponsorships, Not Tickets
“Should we lower the ticket price to our event?” is the question I have been asked over and over by clients and colleagues this year. My answer is an emphatic NO! There are two primary reasons: First, there are people who have the ability to continue to pay the regular ticket price (or sponsorship level). By lowering ticket prices (and … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Get More Involved in Fundraising
This list focuses on easy, doable tasks which make it simple for you (or your boss) to get more involved in fundraising for your nonprofit. 1. Meet with Donors Schedule at least two meetings per month with current and prospective donors. Meeting topics can include: thanking donors for prior gifts; asking open ended questions to get to know … [Read more...]